Animal agriculture drives 77% of deforestation in Australia.
More than three-quarters of nationwide land clearing is for farming livestock animals.
‘Most forest land converted in Australia is used for cattle grazing…’ – Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.¹
Australia is the only developed nation in the world to be designated among the global “deforestation fronts” by the WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature.² Widespread land clearing threatens over a thousand native species³ and is a large emitter of greenhouse gases.⁴ However, few people are aware of what drives deforestation in this country: animal agriculture. Farming animals for food and fibre is responsible for more than three-quarters (77%) of land clearing nationwide (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Land clearing by activity in Australia (2013–2018).
Official figures covering 2013 to 2018 available in Australia’s National Inventory Report⁵ and the Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information System⁶ reveal that each year an average of 337 thousand hectares of forest land — mostly native vegetation — were cleared to graze and intensively rear livestock (see Table 1).⁷ That amounts to 77% of the total land cleared in this period. Only 4% of land clearing took place to grow crops by comparison.⁸ All ‘other’ purposes combined, from plantations to mining to residential infrastructure, work out to 19%.⁹
Table 1. Land clearing by activity in Australia (2013–2018).
[1] Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. (2020). National Inventory Report 2018: Volume 2. See p. 10.
[2] Cox, L. (2021, 13 January). Australia the only developed nation on world list of deforestation hotspots. The Guardian.
[3] WWF — World Wide Fund for Nature and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). 2015. ‘Saving Forests at Risk’. In WWF Living Forests Report, eds. Rod Taylor. Gland, Switzerland: WWF –World Wide Fund for Nature. See pp. 33–34.
[4] Australian Government Climate Change Authority. (2018). Reaping the Rewards: Improving farm profitability, reducing emissions and conserving natural capital. See p. 12.
[5] Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. (2020). National Inventory Report 2018: Volume 2. See pp. 275–276, table 6.L.2.
[6] Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. (2021). Activity Table 1990–2018 — LULUCF [Datafile and codebook]. Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information System. See Table 2.
[7] Land clearing for ‘livestock’ covers primary conversion and re-clearing for the following activities: grazing native vegetation, grazing modified pastures, grazing irrigated modified pastures, and intensive animal production.
[8] Land clearing for ‘crops’ covers primary conversion and re-clearing for the following activities: cropping, perennial horticulture, seasonal horticulture, production from irrigated agriculture and plantations, irrigated cropping, irrigated perennial horticulture, irrigated seasonal horticulture, and intensive horticulture.
[9] Land clearing for ‘other’ purposes covers primary conversion and re-clearing for all activities listed in the activity table that are not included in the ‘livestock’ and ‘crops’ categories detailed in notes [7] and [8].
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